★Justin/ ![]() 14, 30August95 "Don't let a minor setback make you fall." ♥ALVIN.TYHD ♥JUNSHENG.TE ♥ADELINE.LSJN ♥EUNICE.CFSJ ♥COLBY.LZRK &people. x3Beair(Aquila), AhhJ(Cass) P.blog invitations: bearx3@live.com.sg Notice 85, s. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga Paparazzi- Lady Gaga Pokerface- Lady Gaga Love Game- Lady Gaga Just Dance- Lady Gaga Starstruck- Lady Gaga Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber M_Super Girl_뮤직비디오- Super Junior Love Story- Taylor Swift You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift Blah Blah Blah- Kesha ALVIN.TYHD♥ (301108)(301109) ★1Y5M, 1Y6M, 1Y7M Still counting.. ToothFairy:) ![]() - - Promote to Sec4 NA@ 2010 - Promote to Sec5 NA@ 2011 - Spend only 5Years in SKSS (2008-2012) - Join SIA to be an Air Steward - Driving Licence - Audi A5 Sportback(Ibis White)! - BMW 5 Series Sedan(Alpine White)! - True Friends Accelerating Be nice. Keep it clean. No spam, THANKYOU:D Please leave a message after the tone, (BEEP): |
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 3:44 PM
TOP HAPPY 8th MONTH ALVINDADDIE!:D Nothing much to post.(: Tomorrow's Friday already, Hoo! Going to pon CCA with a valid reason, I guess. :D But Friday's lessons are kinda boring :/ After all, Fridays are the best, Hahahah! 5:12pm, 30July'09 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 5:43 PM
TOP Short post with no photos, sorry(: Today, Reached school and straight to classroom corridor, sitted down feeling very tired :/ Rushed my art work& Thank L for helping me on my Chinese Hw(: *Welcome back to 2N6, EuniceJie!:D First lesson was Chinese, did all the corrections for the previous test. &I actually passed it:D (Miracle) I usually fail by getting 40+? Second, Art. Seriously, I'm okay with art After recess was Science, test again. To me it's quite difficult, forgotten to study for it :/ I think I'm going to flunk the test): English was next, so damm bored. Did the situational worksheet. Mathematics was last, TEST AGAIN!): I think I'll pass, hope so.(: Okay, shall end here 7:26pm, 29July'09 Labels: Any kind souls can help me with art Pleaseee ((: 280709
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 3:07 PM
TOP Today's first lesson was Chinese, quite boring, didn't bring anything at all.(Laughs) Holiday homework, Chinese TB, File, 'NONE! Maybe doing my holiday homework later if I can find the storybook that I'm using, Haa.(: Second was PE, still okay. My hair got caught by MrDonald): Going for a hair cut this weekend, maybe?D: We played Volleyball, quite fun? After recess was English, did the conclusion and everything while I'm not really listening when the teacher's talking. Thank SL for lending me to copy:D Geography was next, flipped through the notes before the test starts. When I received the test paper, "OMG!" was all over my head. Managed to finish it although it's quite difficult. :/ Let me pass pleaseee. I don't need any extra Geography lessons. CD was last, (Hooo!) Did the reflection and all., MdmYeo gave us chocolate wafer:D (Haa, EuniceJie missed this x:) Oh, MdmYeo cant wait to receive her 'AhLian' Tee, Haa! Which SL said it was 'LaoLian'.(LMAO) MdmYeo gave some ideas of how the Class-tee front's gonna look like.[Power/Periodic Table/MdmYeo's FACE] Then (name) said if MdmYeo's face is printed on the front of the class tee, nobody would dare to wear it out, Haa! Nothing much more to post about, seeya!:D Someone once said that when a black man becomes president of the United States, pigs will fly. Sure enough, 100 days later, swine flu. SHARON ROBB 4:34pm, 28July'09 Labels: No more test(s) pleaseee. ): Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 9:29 PM
TOP THREE MORE DAYS! Lazy to post, Haa. Will post soon(: Tag all you can puhleaseeeeeee.:D THANKYOU, LOVE YOU LOADS. Labels: Thank AhhB korr:D Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 5:15 PM
TOP Okay, I also have the same 'post-ing problem'. (Can't change font, colour, etc.) Today, had Health Check Up at 8am all the way till recess. In other words, it took over Literature and Geography ^o^ So both tests were postponed.(YAY@@) Hah, but sad thing is Monday have Mathematice, Science, Literature, History tests. -.- &Geography test on Tuesday.. Arr, got to study for it :/ That gay came and anyhow touchtouch again. This time is infront, (wt*?) , go die la ***. Mo**** f*****. -'- Okay, so after recess, went back to class for Science. Did nothing much actually, just take back our previous test paper. I scored 5/5 which is all correct out of 10questions :D (See, I got study one okay!) Mathematics is totally rubbish. Did nothing much either, took back test paper too. I scored only 10/20?! What the chicken?! I cant believe I dropped so much for maths. But lucky got re-test, must really study for it uh. After school, (dunno do what until 1:30pm) then go for cca. Went home at 0330 for 'hometuition. Tonight staying till 5am again, I think. (*Provided AlvinDaddie got peii me :D) Tomorrow going to Orchard againnn, LOL. Okay, nothing much more to say le. Will post again soon, bye people, have a great weekend. (: *Keep on tagging, yeah! That's the wayy! :D 06:30pm, 24July'09 Labels: Sometimes I regretted of letting you go. Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 8:52 PM
TOP ![]() Joshua Ang's mother passed away on Sunday morning. The 21-year-old boy was in distress when he left the mortuary after collecting her body. Her body is now resting at Singapore Casket. According to reports, Ang's 49-year-old mother suffered from heart disease and diabetic problems before she passed on. On Saturday night around 11pm, Ang tried to awake his sleeping mom but to no avail. She was then rushed to Changi General Hospital and was pronounced dead at 12 midnight. Ang carved a name for himself as a 12-year-old boy in movie I Not Stupid, and was casted as one of the male leads in recent drama Table of Glory. In an interview held three years ago, Ang revealed that he once had a falling out with his mother and left home, but admitted his mistake to her very quickly. Ang's godmother who fought with cancer for seven months, also recently passed away in January this year. Police has listed this case as an "unnatural death". Wednesday, July 22, 2009 @ 3:51 PM
TOP No mood to post today. All thanks to that f***ing humji dog who only knows how to talk bad behind people's back. Tht time you make me sbdl then you don't dare to even talk back still sogl? Kn*b c*b pbyx xl gay you always only touch guys as* like what E said, you gay isit? Kn* only know how to dig nose and ear and eat whatever thing that comes out in the past 1halfyear. Dont you feel ashame of yourself to do it in public and people saw you then you pretend nothing happened? Funny isit, F***ing xl pbyx gay dog? Then what? Next half year dig your as* and eat your sh*t isit? Disgusting shameless id***ic gl DOG. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sorry for the vulgarities&, ! ! ! ! ! ! 4:26pm, 22July'09 210709
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @ 2:56 PM
TOP Hello LaoZhaBor(s). Schooling these days, lazy post what've happened. (I scored 15/25 for science!) *Skip. As you guys know, tmr there'll be a sun eclipse& prediction of a tsunami or earthquake. I really hope nothing bad will happen? :/ (Please don't dieee.) Like what AlvinDaddie said "Omg! I'm going to die in 5more days! OMG!" (Lol, very cute right? (:) Let's pray hard that nothing 'bad' will happen okay. :/ Seeya. 3:02PM, 21July'09 - JUSTINNN(: Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 9:37 PM
TOP Hello there. I just wanted to let you know that please stay away from the beaches all around in the month of July. There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami or earthquake hitting on 22July2009. It is also when there will be sun eclipse. Predicted that it is going to be really bad and countries like Malaysia(Sabah& Sarawak), *Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines are going to be badly hit. Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better to be safe than sorry. Please pass the word around. Please also pray for all beings. 9:43pm, 17July'09 - JustinJR/. 160709
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ 5:38 PM
TOP Hello 1234567890's. Yesterday was a normal school-ing day. First was Chinese, had tingxie and blahblahblah. Second was Art, we went to the art room and there goes the teacher again, scold us for being late. But not really our fault can? YA W\E. Kept us back for dunno how long to cover back the time that we're late. *Heard that someone scolded her& she cried ._. After recess was science, still okay but dont know why I feel like sleeping ._. (I dont really want okay) English was next, still okay. Maths, class was in chaos. After school, AlvinDaddie came to peii me walk to bustop. <3 x123456789 As for today, D&T was first. Class was still okay, teacher didn't come so there was a relieve teacher. History was next, also almost fall asleep. (z, I don't want leyyy.) After recess was English, still okay la. IT was last, teacher never come (: So we went to do survey, returned to class after that. Class is totally crazy ._. &&. something happened that made me sbdl. OKAY FORGET IT. NO ASSEMBLY. WOO. &Due to Art teacher never come, so we don't need to stay back. (: Still got alot of homework to do ._. 130709
Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 3:14 PM
TOP Hello pigumao(s). Today's a normal day in school ya. Chinese, test today then it was like quite easy? Hope so :/ Mathematics, the class is like so noisyyy. Sian lor, cant even hear the teacher teach x.x (His voice is very soft like got thing stuck in his throat liddat) ._. After recess is Science. Test also, but this time round it's much easier than chinese. Then Literature, did journal again. (Sian) Last lesson of the day... History! :D Did the group work dongdong, quite okay ba. *PS AhhB for that, don't angry me okay. (: After school AlvinDaddie& Jessy came to find me. (: Okay la, but still abit ps. *Thanks ShermeenMeii for peii-ing me (: AlvinDaddie& Jessy walk-ed me to my bustop and peii me wait for my bus. Then AlvinDaddie say something out very loud on the phone then the bustop people look at us ._. Then I went home after that. Now on the phone with AlvinDaddie :D Okay shall stop here. Labels: Cutest Daddie ever ya? (: 120709
Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 11:00 AM
TOP Just woke up at around 1040, watching tv. Yesterday, came back home at around 1130pm. Bathe and everything, then peii AlvinDaddie 1210am- 5am. We're on the phone all the while. Webcam with AlvinDaddie from 1am-3am& he did something infront of me ._. (Daddie, thanks for running around the whole sg to find the webcam to cam with me x: You're the best man, Daddie! :D) We also watched zero to hero from 320am-410am Then he peii me play GA till 4am (play while watching). ^^ Then webcam an hour more till around 5am then I went to sleep. Later maybe going orchard buy thing. So will post again ASAP. (: Labels: I've got the best daddie ever. Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 8:03 PM
TOP ![]() That was how fat I was 2years ago. HeyHo. Today's quite a short day in school, blahblahblah. After school rush home peii AlvinDaddie chat on phone. Time check: 0811pm. SO SIANNNNNNNNNN, why?
- - - - - - - - - Thanks erzii for sharing: Labels: What can I do? Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 5:41 PM
TOP May you rest in peace, Michael Jackson. We love your songs and you forever. Although you have left us, you are still in our heart. We'll miss you and you're forever King of Pop. You're a great father, a star among us. *Don't forget that there are still many people loving, missing you. And do remember that, you're not, infact never, alone. Oh yes, we love your Moonwalk! Thankyou Michael. (: <3 Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 5:29 PM
TOP Just went for a haircut. Still okay la.. but a bit too short ._. Yesterday's m'sia tour trip was organised by my uncle and it was really very fun. So, I woke up at 5. So tired ley. Went for prata with my relatives at 630. It's so tasteless but just ate it. Reached m'sia at 9. Went for timsum (2nd Breakfast) at 930. Then my uncle was talking about a puberty joke. Blahblahblah. After that, "Cousin: My friend pri6 that time keep going round telling people that he have rainforest. Uncle: Then you should tell him at this period of time there's alot of forestfire which will cause air pollution." At the point of time, three of us + my aunt burst into laughters which maybe we find it funny and that's why. We talked alot on e- bus. Went to e- temple at 11& there's alot of monkeys there, so cute. Fed the giant cat fishes and tortoises of different sizes, very cute also. :D Went for shopping at 1210. Head towards the dunno what Mt. for our durian, mangosteen& rambutan lunch :D Durian is still okay with me& this is the 2nd time we've been there. The owner of the durian trees placed alot of durians on the table and we choose 'em to ask the guy to open for us :D My cousins and I went to open some too ^^ As for the rambutans, we managed to pluck some on e- trees which we manage to reach for them. After that we went back to e- bus and the tour guide planned to bring us to e- waterfall at "kota tingi" (not sure if I've spelled correctly). While the tour guide was collecting money for e- enterance fee, my uncle suddenly said something. "What's the point of watching the water when the water is falling?" not that funny tho. We reached there at around 230 but there's a bit of rain so we waited a while for e- rain to stop inside e- bus. My cousins went into e- water but I didn't. My uncle, aunt, mum and I went to climb up e- stairs beside the waterfall and went to the very end and saw the very end of the waterfall was being blocked. There's a tree which fallen into the waterfall which it's blocked and the water seems to be very deep as when you see the water, it's like so dark ley. So me and my uncle just removed our shoes and walked into the water at the side, not the end. The water is like so chicken cold can? Lol. Slippery too >.> And I also noticed that there're a few fishes of about 7cm in the water. -.- When we're about to walk back to join e- others, the tour guide told us that the very end of e- waterfall (the one we saw which is very deep) is about 5-6 floors deep. wth.. I wonder if there's any weird cretures inside the water.. After that we went for shopping again in KT at around 510. Dinner at one restaurant at 6& their service was so laoya -.- After that we have a 5min walk to e- firefly trip at around 720:D Wore the life jackets and hopped onto the boat. It's still quite early so the guy was driving quite slowly. And you know what? I actually spotted a huge crocodile in e- surface of the water. -.- It's like so damm long ley. Then I was saying, what's the use of the life jackets if we fell into the sea when there're crocodiles in there? Still will die right? When the sky gets darker and darker, he drove even slower and we saw many fireflies on e- tree. :D It's just like christmas tree liddat but quite different. Very very beautiful, very very very beautiful & there's alot of 'em. Some even flew into the boat and one stood beside me, very cute. :D Went back to e- bus at around 820, heading back to sg. We dont wanna leave ley. It's so fun yet tiring. Reached sg at around 1030& went for supper at 11 at chompchomp. Reached home at 1220, very tired and fast fell asleep. That's very fast of spending a day. Why must time flies so fast when we're enjoying such a fun trip? 'Oh, dinner's waiting for me. Shall end here. Bye :D "People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me." -Michael Jackson |