★Justin/ ![]() 14, 30August95 "Don't let a minor setback make you fall." ♥ALVIN.TYHD ♥JUNSHENG.TE ♥ADELINE.LSJN ♥EUNICE.CFSJ ♥COLBY.LZRK &people. x3Beair(Aquila), AhhJ(Cass) P.blog invitations: bearx3@live.com.sg Notice 85, s. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga Paparazzi- Lady Gaga Pokerface- Lady Gaga Love Game- Lady Gaga Just Dance- Lady Gaga Starstruck- Lady Gaga Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber M_Super Girl_뮤직비디오- Super Junior Love Story- Taylor Swift You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift Blah Blah Blah- Kesha ALVIN.TYHD♥ (301108)(301109) ★1Y5M, 1Y6M, 1Y7M Still counting.. ToothFairy:) ![]() - - Promote to Sec4 NA@ 2010 - Promote to Sec5 NA@ 2011 - Spend only 5Years in SKSS (2008-2012) - Join SIA to be an Air Steward - Driving Licence - Audi A5 Sportback(Ibis White)! - BMW 5 Series Sedan(Alpine White)! - True Friends Accelerating Be nice. Keep it clean. No spam, THANKYOU:D Please leave a message after the tone, (BEEP): |
Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 4:52 PM
TOP Hello. School as usual for today. Yeah, Homec and Literature lessons were boring today uh. Science test today. I don't know how to do the questions fyi. Was staring at the questions, (daydreaming). [: Today's chinese lesson was the most interesting so far conducted by her for the past 1year uh? (Although she keep telling us to keep quiet :p) Okay, we only cracked some jokes about Horoscopes(the worksheet she gave us). Funny uh? Almost fell asleep during Assembly, BORING! NO ENGLISH EXTRA LESSON FOR TODAY, HOORAY! [: As usual, bus-ed home. People, tmr's labour day so enjoy your weekend!(Yes uh!) [: END. Wednesday, April 29, 2009 @ 7:25 PM
TOP ![]() Stupid day. IPW, Maths, History was okay. Geog lesson videos are interesting, aren't they? I HATE today's English lesson although I really loved English. PLEASE learn to get things right uh. Forget it. After sch, went for Art Exam(make up). Miss Tan's Art lesson is fun uh. Yixuan Jiaqi and me chatted alot throughout the exam. After exam, Yixuan and Jiaqi walked me to bus stop and left. Bus-ed home and TheEnd. 1 more day. Tuesday, April 28, 2009 @ 7:20 PM
TOP [Brenda] Lol. [TingJiaHui♥] Thankyou dear. [: ![]() I WANT THIS! XPERIA Solid Black. Today's the first paper. Chinese uh, first paper was hard? Didn't manage to finish either. Second paper was okay. At least it was finished. Pass is my only target for chinese. Rushing history homework& art now. Normal day, nothing interesting happened. So, BYE. Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 7:35 PM
TOP Stripped. [Jieyi] Orh, orh! ><" [Brenda] Cas my desktop spoil ma.. [: [Fade] Thanks, erzii. [: [O.Xueli {:] Thanks, Xueli. [: [RUNYING] Erm. Seriously, I don't think it's funny at all. [☆YANYI☆] Thanks, YanYi! [: [Junwei] Which Junwei are you? Lim or Chua? [Adeline.] Oh, hahas. [: Imy too. Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 4:56 PM
TOP ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Taken during Art class.[: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 5:00 PM
TOP HEY KID, LOOK HERE. Got my new lappy, &I'm so happy! [: 200409} All links, linked. All relinks, relinked. All tags replied. Tag more then! [: [O.Xueli :]] Thanks for tagging! [: [Unknown] Uhuhuh. Still say i use vulgar. Is you alrght? [: [K@! J!3] Yalor, btw korr today uh, 220409 HOR. You and darrenkorr pass by me i think dARRENkorr called me or something? I never heard him, LOL. Then i turn around then i was like, eh that one not kaijie and darren meh? Then you called me, lol. [: [Adeline.] Hello, aw. [YuTing] Alrights, Mummy! [: [♥CLARICE♥] Thanks for tagging& takecare, friend. [: [Wynn] Linked, jie. [: [YuTing] Relinked, mummie. [: [LianHOng] Hellos, friend. [Adeline.] Relinked, nuerr. [: [aFiiq] Oh, hello& welcome. [: Linked, anyway. [Shermeen [:] Thanks, meii for tagging! [: Anyway, today shili molst me!@#$% [NASIR] Linked, friend! [: [EUNICE] No problem, jie! [: [YANYI] Haha, thanks for the wonderfulday, friend. [: [AhJen] Thanks, JENNY. [: [♥TingJiaHui✖™] Very zz meh? [Audrey] Thanks, friend. [: [Junwei] Not i no post, is my desktop spoil. Haha, I'll tag you back, kor. [: [ERA] Yeah, friend! Don't lose contact again! [: ALVINDADDIE , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svfyYP98K2g&feature=related .[: [TCY] Thanks korr, and I didn't on msn so it's off-ed, LOL. [: [EUNICE] Hey jie, what so long then relinkkk. Is my stupid desktop spoil lor. But spoil also good lar. Can buy new laptop. [: I've got no more. [TingJiaHui♥] Oh, sure. [: ALVINDADDIE NEVER INVITE ME TO YOUR BLOG!D: Bo xim de.. suan le lor.. |