★Justin/ ![]() 14, 30August95 "Don't let a minor setback make you fall." ♥ALVIN.TYHD ♥JUNSHENG.TE ♥ADELINE.LSJN ♥EUNICE.CFSJ ♥COLBY.LZRK &people. x3Beair(Aquila), AhhJ(Cass) P.blog invitations: bearx3@live.com.sg Notice 85, s. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga Paparazzi- Lady Gaga Pokerface- Lady Gaga Love Game- Lady Gaga Just Dance- Lady Gaga Starstruck- Lady Gaga Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber M_Super Girl_뮤직비디오- Super Junior Love Story- Taylor Swift You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift Blah Blah Blah- Kesha ALVIN.TYHD♥ (301108)(301109) ★1Y5M, 1Y6M, 1Y7M Still counting.. ToothFairy:) ![]() - - Promote to Sec4 NA@ 2010 - Promote to Sec5 NA@ 2011 - Spend only 5Years in SKSS (2008-2012) - Join SIA to be an Air Steward - Driving Licence - Audi A5 Sportback(Ibis White)! - BMW 5 Series Sedan(Alpine White)! - True Friends Accelerating Be nice. Keep it clean. No spam, THANKYOU:D Please leave a message after the tone, (BEEP): |
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 7:06 PM
TOP AlvinDaddieLOVEStalkingCRAP! :D TAG REPLIES(:PAGE5 `@ bear-b.bs.com♥ [x ![]() AlvinDaddie de mapleCharacter~ VERY SHUAI RIGHT? :D ShermeenMeii > Why? x: AlvinDaddie > Post your pigu! x: JiaHui > Lol. Imy too<3 JiaHui > Lol? AdelineNuerr > Hello nuerr! :D JieyiJie > HELLO JIE MY TAGBOARD VERY FUN SPAMMING UH? (: &MY ROTIJOHN NOT CHAODA CAN? ==" AlvinDaddie> Hello DADDIE :D JiaHui > Lol. KaiJieKorr > KORRRRR IMY SO MUCH D; long time no see le ley! JunweiKor > Hello kor! Thanks for tagging (: ShermeenMeii > Oh god! You're hating me ya meii? {: Eunice > Hello EUNICE! :D JiaHui > HVL to you too my dear<3 ShermeenMeii > Yalayala. I know you're the best okay? (: Jenny > HELLO JENNY! :D Do link me up yeah? (: ShermeenMeii> Reply liao lo! :D YanYi > Hello Yanyi! :D Thanks for dropping by my blog! :D & on 19feb are you the one sitting behind me on the bus? o.O THANKS all for leaving your tag! (: Tags are appreciated& do visit my blog more often& leave tags alrightsss! :D XiexieNi! [: ♥AlvinDaddie ♥All mummies, daddies, korrs, jies, meiis, diis. KaijieKorr > Hellos korr. Long time no see miss you so much yeah. I'll try to find you more often de. x3 [: JiaHui > Where got sia? Eh walao. ShermeenMeii > Don't worry. ILY too my dearest meii. x3 (: JiaHui > Don't emo. Love you. x3 xPANDA > You Colby rightss? o.o Give me your url. JiaHui > I where bo miss you sia? I miss you so much can? LOL. AlvinDaddie > Stupid daddieee. x: HuiLuan > 30Aug. Harhar [: Willard > Hello willard. [: AlvinDaddie > HELLO DADDIEEE. Anw is you ahbeng lorrrr! Not me alrights? x3 [: Josef > Hellos Josef. Yeah, it's me Justin. (: Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 6:36 PM
TOP ♥'sss. As usual~ go school early in the morning.. HOMEC V.FUN! :D we cooked RotiJohn and Fruitpunch {: Lit lesson today is so boring. Cher tell us to form group of 8 then we not enough people. Nobody want jordan then he come to our group and say that he want be rock == Actually we didnt even ask him to join us tho ><" hais nvm lar. let him come then the whole performance was so embarassing OK.[No more of that. Please! ><"] After recess, science was boring. Then mt before we have our tingxie someone tried to cheat and wrote all the answers in a paper then put inside his pencil case.. Then another guy went to "secretly" took the paper out of the pencil case and tore it and threw it into dustbin[Lol?] in the end i think he didnt manage to cheat. Then went for assembly.. the "drama" v.funny ==" a middle age woman, wore a school uniform with no school logo, saying that she's 15. Lol stupid. Then went for eng suppClass. Okayokay lar not say very boring. After that went to complab3 to do ipw project with jq, jolie and aline. Actually mf also need come but he got cca so nvm lo. we go there alr 330pm. Aline left at 355 and jq say he got tution and he went at 4. Left me and jolie to do the rest of it. God, I want to faint. jq never do anything lor. he just on the comp and click here click then go bookshop help us buy paper and go alr. Walao eh this call friend? Actually i also want to run but if i run jolie will be really angry at me[When she's angry, she's really v.scary] I not so bad can? I never run lor and help her with the remainingsss. brought home some of it to do too =\ jolie also. Both of us dont wanna bring the ring file home cas v.biggg and we went to the msc room and gave the file to one of them and told him to pass to mf and tell him to bring it tmr x: HARHAR. It was jolie's idea~ Lol. Okay then I went home. Watch tv do hw~ then use comp. Now 856pm still got hw to do. So yeah, cya. {: TAKECARE(: Today saw kaijiekorr after school~ I called him and he came and talk to meee :D anyway to me, he still look weird in his long pants. x: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 4:58 PM
TOP KAIJIE KORR PLEASE SCROLL DOWN to the bottom! x: TAG REPLIES(:PAGEfour `@ bear-b.bs.com♥ [x ![]() AlvinDaddie de mapleCharacter~ VERY SHUAI RIGHT? :D FenGx33 '&JiaHui > Enough! Stop please. Audrey > Harhar. Yw :D JunWei > I anything de {: Harhar~ JiaHui > Love and Misses you toooo. AlvinDaddie > Daddie.. your backside itchy isit..? (: AdelineNuerr > Hello nuerrrr! :D AlvinDaddie > Daddie. My blog no fcxkerss. ): AlvinDaddie > Daddie. Now is where itchy? (: You want spam? WANNA HAVE A FREE SKINNING SERVICE? (: and my name not pigumao lo IS YOU! :D JiaHui > Lol. Harhar. AlvinDaddie > Fcxk you eh? Stupid daddie! x: jkjk~ harhar. FenGx33 > Whatever shyt start and stop de la Passerby > 给我一首歌的时间- 周杰倫 (: JiaHui > Hello. Qien > LOL! I'm gonna change my blogsong and blogskin soon. Trying to find =\ JunWei > Oh, Hello korkor~ {: RunYing > Okays. I go relink you now! :D JiaHui > No. JiaHui > No lar. HCNY to you too (: KaijieKorr > Okayss. :} I'll go find you more often alrightsss. :D Harhar. Anw, HCNY korr! (: JunWei > Yes korkor? I can go your blog arh. O.o You've invited me liao. Harhar :} YanYi> Harhar! Thankyou~ you and your fam too! :D AlvinDaddie > HCNY to you too chicken nehneh daddie! x: JiaHui > (: YuTingMummie > Mummie you bo invite me to your blog~ invite bearx3@live.com.sg and i go relink you now {: . > Who are you? o.o JiaHui > Happy 10th anni to you too~ ShermeenMeii > HCNY to you too my dearest meii. {: And when's the class outing? :D AdelineNuerr > NUERR DADDIE MISS YOU AND ERZII ALOT TOO {: Colby > Hello ahB! {: HuiLuan > Hello jie! Thanks for tagging! I'll visit your blog soon! :D JiaHui > HarlowHarlow! {: Jillian > Hey Jillian! Great to see you again {: and hor can you change the email invitation to your blog to bearx3@live.com.sg . Thanks lots :D FenGx33 > Hello. JiaHui > ♥s {: Joey'♥ > HELLO JOEYYY :D Link me up {: ShermeenMeii > OkayOkay de lar. I only say a little bit not alot (: LOL hehe.. ALVIN DADDIE YOU HEARD THAT? x: ShermeenMeii > I don't think I can do it? I just want to go to 3N6 in 2010. {: Brenda > HelloHello Brenda! I don't Maple nowdays anymore le.. takecare too my friend (: Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ 6:15 PM
TOP HELLOS PEOPLE {: As usual went school. Early morning v.tired de leys. Okay, then see them play tabletennis.. (BORING -_-) Alrights. Mf came after some time and we went canteen. Sit there until time to go morning assembly at hall~ lit lesson was fine and so does mt. After recess went to hall assemble. I at downstair can hear her voice liao. (God.. -,-) She told us to see her after the homec talk cas 2 girl was talking~ (whatever? =\) We tot is shili then jq go ask her she say is mummie and dunno who lar. OKAY, Hist lesson v.scary (I sitting at 2nd row ley!) but bobian if not cannot even listen to what cher talking bout. (FineFineFine -.-) Maths was fun yeah? We did the simple questions~ then cd lesson cher talktalktalktalktalk until I want sleep can? AHGONG AND ULTRAMAN THREW STAPLEBULLETS AND RUBBER AT MEEEE Dontcare lar. Quick makan w/ jq. Then went AVAroom *the talk was boringgggg =\ talking to jq and mf all the while? Then whole class went behind school sat in two lines to wait for cherrr she having meeting. We sit there for quite a whileee. Cher still havent come then was talking to jq bout carsss :D. Dunno mdm or ms K tell us take out hw do~ Okay we took out. Do hw for some time then Eunice say cher say can go (zzzzzzzz ==") Warao eh she tell us go see her and we turned up but she didnt. waste time lar and tired. time is money ley! (lol?) Then walked half round of the school w/ jq to busstop and he went home. Bus-ed home and on tv on comp. was eating and watching xnr (LOL? ==") Okay then use comp until now. was silent viewing blogs~ Okay needa do hw alr. BYE '/} 723pm What you lose is you love, ♥. Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 7:04 PM
TOP Anw korr, can't find you in school ley. Miss you sooo much! =\ |