★Justin/ ![]() 14, 30August95 "Don't let a minor setback make you fall." ♥ALVIN.TYHD ♥JUNSHENG.TE ♥ADELINE.LSJN ♥EUNICE.CFSJ ♥COLBY.LZRK &people. x3Beair(Aquila), AhhJ(Cass) P.blog invitations: bearx3@live.com.sg Notice 85, s. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga Paparazzi- Lady Gaga Pokerface- Lady Gaga Love Game- Lady Gaga Just Dance- Lady Gaga Starstruck- Lady Gaga Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber M_Super Girl_뮤직비디오- Super Junior Love Story- Taylor Swift You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift Blah Blah Blah- Kesha ALVIN.TYHD♥ (301108)(301109) ★1Y5M, 1Y6M, 1Y7M Still counting.. ToothFairy:) ![]() - - Promote to Sec4 NA@ 2010 - Promote to Sec5 NA@ 2011 - Spend only 5Years in SKSS (2008-2012) - Join SIA to be an Air Steward - Driving Licence - Audi A5 Sportback(Ibis White)! - BMW 5 Series Sedan(Alpine White)! - True Friends Accelerating Be nice. Keep it clean. No spam, THANKYOU:D Please leave a message after the tone, (BEEP): |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 12:07 PM
TOP Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 4:25 AM
TOP HEY YOU! WHY AREN'T YOU TAGGING? GO TAG! :D TAG REPLIES(:PAGEtwo `@ bear-b.bs.com♥ [x ![]() JieyiJie > Hi Don-ald duck jie :D nice name ehs? x: JieyiJie > Relink-ed liao (: AdelineNuerr > Sorry nuerr ): the stupid xxx lor then all go xxx la chicken pigu xss head mxrons. x: Muahahaha. AdelineNuerr > Change change change!! ): Audrey > Yw! :D JiaHui > ... Grace > Thankyou! :D little-ah-ma > Hahas, I can't wait for christmas! :D AdelineNuerr > Hais. ): JiaHui > Okays. (: AdelineNuerr > How don't sad? ): You no more SKSS ley. I v.v.v.sad ): JiaHui > Thankyou dear ily<3. FenGx33 > Hello! Thankyou for tagging! :D HuiLuan > Hello jie! (>'.')> Thankyou for tagging! (: KaijieKorr > Yoyo korr! :D Matthew > Hello Matthew! (: AdelineNuerr > Nobody can represent/replace you ley D: and she don't even know me.. I still think it's xxx's fault. LOL! Guess you know who am I saying uh? x: And if you love my blogsong, come to my blog more often! xD ♥ Cerdic > Thanks for tagging! "Xiaodidi" x: JiaHui > (: Cerdic > :D AdelineNuerr > It's xxx's fault! Your results so good liao ): they eat shxt la!@#$% And thanks for supporting my blog! (: Daddie love yaaa :D LianHong > So how are you? ;D AdelineNuerr > ): AdelineNuerr > ): ): FenGx33 > Yoyo Panda! YanYi > Thankyou! :D MerryChristmasToYouToo! (: AdelineNuerr > Aiyo ><" JiaHui > Thankyou! Advance MerryChristmasToYouToo! :D ♥ AdelineNuerr > Lol. ><" YuTing > Hello Mummie! MerryX'mas! Hahas. ♥ AdelineNuerr > MerryX'mas Nuerrrrrrrr♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Hahas. :D FenGx33 > MerryX'mas to you too Panda! :D Hahas! XueLi > HOHOHO! :D Nicole > MerryX'mas to you too! Hahas! :D Audrey > Hahas. :D JiaHui > :D HuiLuan > HEHEHOHOHAHA! :D YuenMay > I told you im busy w/ my phone eh? ==" JiaHui > Nono, I only have you! ♥ (: AlvinDaddie > Daddie! It's been a long time since we last chat on phone ): imyyyy<3 JiaHui > Hehe.. love you too.. :D ♥ Brenda > LOL! Haha! :D FenGx33 > I'll.. Lol! Hehe.. x: JiaHui > Okays! I go link you now! :D AdelineNuerr > I miss my Indian Song! ><" Cerdic > Okays xiexie xiaodidi! (: <3 Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 9:39 AM
TOP Yoyo peeps! All tags are replied! And talking about yesterday.. I saw this thick layer of dust when i accidently shifted the fridge in my kitchen! It was like a HUGE "WOW" can? Cool eh? 6years of collection! x: Muahahaha. Use this to cook w/ porridge and it shall taste good! d: JKJK LOL! You'll get sick if you do it -,- Hahas. (: And this is only like 1/8 of the whole thing! Crazy eh? Cool eh? LOL. Hahas. xD Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 4:32 PM
TOP Hello peeps! I was just blogging and suddenly, something outside the window caught my attention. I turned my head around and saw this. The curtain and the jeans were "Flying" outside the window. `&It's raining! LOL! The jeans were "wet" hanging outside while raining. Haha, and i saw someone walking around the house but she didn't know that the jeans and curtains were outside the window! Aw, bored. Actually i was chatting w/ JiaHuiDear thru msn but she gtg to orchard and bmss to register? So sian can? I was thinking what to play.. my msn? my WII? or my PSP..? Nah, in the end I was lying on my bed watching tv.. Oh, the tv programme I'm waiting for's starting.. so yeah I'm gonna on my aircon cas it's frexking hot and lie on my bed watching it, so.. bye and takecare! (: Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 10:41 AM
TOP Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): Nuerr no more SKSS ): @ 10:41 AM
TOP TAG REPLIES(: bear-b.bs.com♥ ![]() Audrey > Thankyou for re-linking me (: HxrxyAlvinDaddie > Daddie, you rock too ! (: RunYing > Sorry, i link now >< `&i never link cas i lost your url ! x: Unknown`JunSheng > Guaii erzii (: YanYi >Thankyou, but next time can you dont use the shaky thing it made me dizzy x.x HuiLuan > Thankyou! [: JiaHui > Thankyou for relinking (: HxrxyAlvinDaddie > I've said, you go `&ignore me ]: Xueli > Thankyou for linking me [: JieyiJie > Thankyou jie (: JiaHui > Lols. Erm i can do the quiz but, Prob: I dont know where to find it! x: hahas, ily2 JiaHui > ... HxrxyAlvinDaddie > Erm, ok. Forgiven. (: JiaHui > Waseh, wanna ps me ar? x: No la, jkjk nia. `&I think I've heard of the song before, somehow, somewhere, but I forget liao. x: hahas, ily2<3. JiaHui > Lols. (: YanYi > Thankyou, Hahas (: AdelineNuerr > Thankyou nuerr (: Daddie love you Brenda`wicked > Yoyo wicked ! :D JiaHui > imy2<3 JiaHui> Who is nic? I dont even know her. Lols. Matthew > Thanks for the link. (: JiaHui > oO oic. Brenda`wicked > xie xieeeeeeee`&you tc too (: KaijieKor > Hello korr, Long time no seeeeeee (: JiaHui > imy`&ily2. ♥ (: Jillian > Okay. (: HxrxyAlvinDaddie > Daddie, why dont you update yours? x: AdelineNuerr > Okays, Linked you le. (: FenGx33 > Lol. (: HxrxyAlvinDaddie > Helloszx Daddie, lol (: JiaHui > Thankyou `&ily (: JiaHui > Done le. (: JieYiJie > Jie dont spam you pigu ! !@#$%!@#$% LOL Nic > May i know who are you ? oO `&I know you don't have an ass so, are you jealous of me having one? (: HuiLuan > Where dont have didn't i say in your blog? !@#$%!@#$% LOL JKJK :D JieyiJie > NOOOOOOOOOOO ! !@#$%!@#$% YanYi > Okays. (: FenGx33 > Lol. Passer-by. > I totally agree with you. Nic > Great. (: Audrey > Hello! :D JiaHui > He/she may be one of us? Who knows? (: Nic > Lol. AlvinDaddie > Daddie! Imy!! :D `&Daddie, i know you have a Fat PIGU! muahahaha x: AdelineNuerr > If i can online, Daddie cfm will pei you de :D imy nuerr<3 JieyiJie > Jie, anything important thing just sms or call me ma. Why is i call you ley.. F3 unless you wanna help me pay my phone bill.. Muahahaha.. and seriously.. I don't mind! :D YanYi > I'm doing fine (: `&it's been a long time since we last met. LOL, holiday is ending.. so sad ): LOL! JiaHui > Lols. Nic > I'm busy w/ something else uh. >.> Maybe later? (: JiaHui > rawr! Your "curry" joke funny uh? TyanHuey > Okays, Thankyou. (: HuiLuan > Lol. AdelineNuerr > Hor! How dare you peep! rawr! ahstar > Yeah, why? Who are you? o.O @ 10:40 AM
TOP A quiz from JiaHui Here's th 10 weird things/ habbits / little know facts about myself ! 1) SMS 2) MSN 3) Talk crap 4) Kpo a bit ><>Blogging 7) Crazy 8) Scold stupid idiots in games 9) Watch television 10) Listen to AlvinDaddie singing songs too {!} (: A) U like to drink . B) You like people . C) You are silly . D) U like to eat . E) You like to play with dogs . F) You are dead sexy . G) You never let people tel you what to do . H) You have good personality & good looks . I) Easy to be with . J) People adore you . K) You are wild & Crazy . L) Everyone loves you . M) Best kisser ever . N) Best GF/BF anyone can ask for . O) Easy to fall inn love with . P) You are popular with all types of people . Q) You are a tomboy . R) You are loyal to those who love you . S) Crazy . T) Awesome kisser . U) You really like to chill . V) You're irritating . W) Awesome inn bed . X) You love sports . Y) Best GF/BF anyone coud ask for . Z) Always ready . ANSWERS ! {Your name} J) Pple adore you . [ Don't know? ] U) You really like to chill . [ Sometimes? ] S) Crazy . [ Yes, i do. ] T) Awesome kisser . [ Maybe im one x: LOL. ] I) Easy to be with . [ If you treat me well, I'll be. ] N) Best GF/BF anyone can ask for . [ I don't know. ] People ask to do this quiz ! :D {♥}AlvinDaddie {♥}AdelineNuerr {♥}JunShengErzii {♥}YanYi {♥}HuiLuan @ 10:39 AM
TOP A quiz from Alvin. 01. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed? - my pigu :D 02. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning? - Sleepy.. .03. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of? - My cousins. 04. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled? - Nope. .05. Would You Ever Donate Blood? -Depends. 06. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex? - Of course have. (: 07.Do You Want Someone Dead? - Have, AlvinDaddie lor, JKJK X: 08. What Does Your Last Text Message Says? - It says that I can't tell you what i say. :D 09. What Are You Thinking Right Now? - How am i going to answer this. 10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now? - YEAH AlvinDaddie pls:) 11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night? - 1am+. 12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now? - Forgotten? 13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now? - No.. 14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You? - Don't feel like telling you? >.> .10 People To Tag. [1] JiaHui [2] JunShengErzii [3] AdelineNuerr [4] HuiLuan [5] YanYi [6] Grace [7] Audrey [8] ShermeenMeii [9] RunYing [10] Brenda 15.Who Is The Number 2 Having A Relationship With? - AdelineNuerr. 16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female? - Female. 17. If Number 7 Or 10 Got Together, Would That Be A Good Thing? - Comeon, they're girls. 18. What Is Number 1 Studying About? - Don't know? 19. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them? - Which? 20.Is Number 4 Single? - Maybe. 21.Say Something About Number 2. - CUTE? :D 22. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together? - How could it possibly be?! 23.Describe Number 9. - A good friend of mine? 24. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights? - What can i do? @ 10:37 AM
TOP 1- Have u ever drop your phone at th public ? : I DIDNT ! :D 2- Who called u last night ? : Parents. 3- When is th last day u met your friends ? : 261008=.= 4- Have u been to th prom night before ? : probably a grad party. 5- You have to get a facial piercing, what wil u get ? : NONE o.o 6- Any of your friends taller dhen u ? : alot. 7- What are u doing this 8am in th morning right now ? : still sleeping la -,- 8- Do u like th ocean and why ? : okok lor.cas okok lor. 9- Would u rather sleep with someone else , or alone ? : Of cos with someone else. x: 10- Do u believe " What goes come around... " ? : Yeah, i do. 11- Did u cry today ? : Never. 12- Do u think u are a good person ? : Okok lor. 13- Who do u currently miss ? : All friends that i know. 14- Have u held hands with anyone lately ? : No ): 15- Did u ever lose your best friend ? : OF COURSE I DID. 16- Has a person of th opposite sex had their arms around u this week ? : Nah. 17- Where were u 2 hours from now ? : At home blogging. 18- Who was th last girl to tag u ? : JiaHui ba. 19- Can u make yourself sneeze ? : It's silly isn't it? 20- What's your current mood ? : Okok lor. 21- What are u doing tomorrow ? : Nothing cas AlvinDaddie going out ): 22- Who slept in your bed with u last night ? : My Pillows. 23- Who was th last person to tell at you ? : AlvinTanYiHong! 24- Is there something u wan to tel somene ? : Yes, of course. 25- Are u forgiving ? : Depends. 26- Where are your parents right now ? : Working. 27- What's th last thing u put in your mouth ? : CHOCOLATES 28- What are u stressed out about ? : Going out and not going out. 29- How many windows do u open in your computer ? : 1 with 2 tabs. 30- Who do u tok to last night inn msn ? : AlvinDaddie. 31- Have u gotten your hair cut this week ? : Siao. Want me cut my fringe? Wait longlong. 32- How many my space profile have u had ? : I dont even know what the shyt isit. 33- How many clothes are there in your closet ? : If you want to know, count on your own. 34- Who is probably talking craps about u right now ? : How I know? Come on, I'm not god! 35- Who is your hero ? : AlvinDaddie! [: 36- Who is th most experimental person u know ? : I dont know. 37- Who do u wan to be with u right now ? : AlvinDaddie cas he's showering now x: jkjk lol. 38- Your motivation for tomorrow ? : Nothing ? 39- Last person to make u laugh ? : AlvinDaddie. 40- Last thing u ate ? : Stop asking same questions, it's so silly. 41- Who do u like ? : ♥Laopo. 42- Do u belive that your love never dies ? : Yeah, maybe. 43- What's up coming event are you waiting and ready for ? : I dont know. 44- What do u dislike currently ? : I cant go out with AlvinDaddie. ]: 45- What were u doing during midnight last night ? : Watching TV. 46- Do u look at people inn th eye when u talk to them ? : Yeah, I do. 47- Do u wan to see somebody right now ? : Yes, AlvinDaddie! 48- What are th first thing u said this morning ? : "Don't disturb me la, I wanna sleep more.. " 49- Speak any other languages ? : Chinese. 50- Do u like rain ? : Yeah, so cool. 51- Do u brush your hair all th time ? : ..?? 52- What's been on your mind lately ? : Someone ba. Th people who been tagg & to do th quiz.. ♥YOU! |